Tapping Into an Endless Supply

Today I am grateful for a day at home. They have been hard to come by in recent weeks. I am also grateful for rest. I even slept in until after 6:00. (Yes, that's sleeping in for me.)

As often happens, my good intentions to steadily regard my blessings as I moved through my day yesterday got lost in the shuffle of the day at times. But a couple different times I was able to come back to that place in my mind, that place which allows me to pause and remember "Oh yeah, I really don't have much to complain about and overall the day is going pretty well."

I mentioned the other day that writing down my thoughts helps quiet my mind. It also helps me focus on the right things. Several weeks into this blogging experience, I am more fully realizing the power of sharing gratitude through words and actions. There is an endless supply of gratitude and there is much progress I can make. I am not striving to "figure it out" and be done practicing gratitude because "I get it now."  I am striving to make the practice of gratitude more prominent, more natural in my life. Daily effort for daily dividends.

I wrote and sent off my first gratitude letter to Mrs. Becker yesterday. It was good to gather my thoughts, write them neatly in my own hand, address and seal the envelope, then drop it in the mail.

Any other gratitude letters going out?


  1. Writing letters of gratitude is an excellent idea. Have to focus on what is of true value in my life.

  2. It felt good to get that first letter out there. The power of putting our thoughts and feelings on paper is profound. It makes it real, substantial. Sharing it is the leap of faith.


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