Canned Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the sound of my son and step-daughter's laughter. I am grateful to live in a neighborhood that is not prone to violence and crime.

I am also grateful that our neighborhood is getting cleaned up from last week's storm. There are streets that have a different look and more sky visible than before. There are many uprooted stumps remaining. But they stand as a reminder to how fortunate we were and how much worse it could have been for our community. The downside of the changed views is less shade and destroyed natural beauty.

Gratitude also changes our view of the world, but I haven't come across any downsides to it.

I have another idea, courtesy of a co-worker who told me about it, that I hope to use with my family as a way for all of us to practice and share gratitude. Call it canned gratitude of the good variety. Not the canned gratitude that is expected, forced, less-than-genuine; but the canned gratitude that is spontaneous, accumulates, synergizes. (At least that is what I hope it will do.)

Here's how it works:  Find a can, canister, bowl, box, any container that you think will work. If you are crafty, you could make one. I found one at our local dollar store. (I hope it becomes a value-added piece.) It's got a nice wide opening so we can reach in. Ask your family to put specific examples of what they are grateful for on little pieces of paper and to put it in your "Gratitude Can."  Maybe we'll call ours the "Valentine Vessel of Gratitude."

The beauty of putting gratitude notes in the vessel is that you can always pull one out when you need to.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes with my family's collective attempt to practice gratitude. Have a good day!
