Tunnel Vision, In a Good Way

Today I am grateful for an old daily meditation book I had put away and will now revive. And I am grateful for my friend Terrie, a recovery connection, who gave me the book in 1996. 

Tunnel vision is often seen as a negative. That is definitely fitting when talking about the loss of peripheral vision, a true medical condition. How much would I miss if my field of vision were limited? 

How much DO I miss when I have that other kind of tunnel vision? So focused on one thing, usually something out of my control anyway, that I miss everything else. I have spent plenty of time over the years limiting myself via tunnel vision.

But there is also a good kind of tunnel vision. Clarity for a purpose and energy immersed in it. It is a beautiful thing. I find it in my writing, on a run, engaged in conversation with another person, in a task at work; and in many other endeavors. More regular meditation practice has increased this helpful type of vision and focus. 

Then there is this kind of tunnel vision: 

I captured this photo as Darcy and I enjoyed a Sunday afternoon bike ride in our lovely community.  Tunnel vision can lead us astray or lead us to more joy. Which one will I give my focus to today? 
