Strange x 2, Bridges x 2

Today I am grateful for a cooling breeze on a warm morning and for my country, my homeland, these United States of America. 

Last year's 4th of July was in the shadow of COVID-19 and racial unrest. This year, the pandemic isn't as dark and there has been justice delivered in the murder of George Floyd. Division and unrest remain though, and have evolved in ways I never saw coming. 

Six months ago, on January 6, our nation faced an attack like none other. At about the same time, COVID-19 vaccines were just becoming available.  Today, there are conspiracy theories and unused vaccines to fuel our concerns in these still strange times. Our national flag has become an unlikely point of contention and confusion. 

Strange times two. Last July 4 and this one feel very different from each other in ways, and yet very similar in that they are the two strangest ones I have known in my lifetime. 

Love wins, and I love my country. I love that my husband Darcy and I put on 150 miles yesterday in the surrounding area and traveled freely, feeling safe and secure where we were.  I love that people were friendly and service was good, and nobody cared what my opinions on current events are. They just wanted to know my opinion on ice cream flavors.

I love that we walked two bridges in Stillwater, Minnesota and enjoyed beautiful vistas from each.  Here are those two bridges at work:

The new St. Croix Crossing bridge, with the massive steel and concrete beams and supports to keep it structurally sound.  The old Lift Bridge, only open to foot and bicycle traffic now, but still functioning as a lift bridge when a boat needs to pass through. Working bridges carrying many people, bikes, and vehicles across each day. 

The analogies are obvious, but need mentioning. The United States of America is not the only nation weakened by pandemic and political stress. What work do we need to do to bridge gaps in our countries and communities? What work will mend workplaces, schools, friendships, and families? 

I can only imagine how beautiful the view is from bridges we all help build. Let's get started. When in doubt, remember respect and kindness.

Let freedom ring. Let love win. 
