
Living gratefully today, I appreciate the ups and downs of human emotion and the messengers that our feelings are. I begin today with an open mind and heart. 

And I begin today considering these words from Brother David Steindl-Rast:

"Grateful living is an awareness that we stand on holy ground- always -in touch with Mystery."

The holy ground I stand on this morning is covered with snow. Last week it was clear trail. In a few days, it will melt away and be clear again. Not exactly a mystery, but Mystery applies. The jet stream and changing weather patterns are beyond me and you. 

But our small human actions can either protect or plunder this fragile planet. Mystery calls me to be a good steward of Earth and the resources it provides. Conserve. Recycle. Respect. Enjoy. 

My two feet are stable beneath me as I stand in our split level home. Wood, flooring, beams, concrete . . . they each provide some of the stability. Beneath the foundation is dirt and rock and so much more Mystery. 

From the top of my head to the tips of my toes, there is a network of nerves, neurons, veins, arteries, muscles, bones, organs. Our bodies are absolutely amazing in their work. Such Mystery deserves nourishing food, rest, plenty of hydration, exercise, fresh air.  

Mystery. Changing seasons. Human emotions. The Sun and other stars. A pause in gratefulness tunes me into the great fullness of life available right here, right now. To be here is a sacred undertaking. 

Sensing the sacred in me, I also see it in you. There is more compassion and connection, less division and judgment. I am enough. You are enough. The world has what we need. Especially when we view our time here as a collaboration rather than a competition. If we keep the idea of Mystery close to our hearts today, we keep our best selves as guides. 
