Reality in Large and Small Doses

Today I am grateful for time with our son Sam and his safe travels home. I am also grateful for the unseasonably wonderful weather we have had all week. 

The reality is that it will soon start feeling more like November usually feels in this part of the world.

Reality surrounds us all day, every day. Our perspective on it is what makes all the difference.

The wider reality in large and small doses lately includes:

*Well over 140 million Americans voted in our recent election. Democracy is alive. 

*There still is not a declared winner in said election. It's a new reality for us. We are used to quicker results. Patience and trust in the process will carry us through.

*Over 125, 000 new COVID cases were reported in the U.S. yesterday. A sad new record that will likely be broken again and again. 

*Lack of hospital beds for the critically ill, and the surge in cases, will also lead to devastating deaths.

*The sun is coming up for a new day. 

Grim reality meets amazing reality. Denial of the grim would only lead me to miss the amazing. I won't stay stuck in all the bad news and uncertainty. I plan to fully engage in what I can do something about. Wear a mask. Keep physical distance. Go for a run. Smile and greet another runner or walker. Enjoy the hours ahead with loved ones. Watch the changing colors of the sky. Breathe in, breathe out.

When I focus on what I can do, my perspective is much healthier. Simple, but not easy. Let's help each other out on this today. 
