Go . . .

Living gratefully today, I am seeing Thanksgiving in a new light, in a new time. 

It is not an easy time, or one anyone invited or sought. Yet, there is light and plenty of it. There is gratefulness to be found and multiplied. 

In the United States, tomorrow is our Thanksgiving holiday. Canada celebrates the holiday on the second Monday in October. Brazil joins the U.S. in honoring the holiday on the fourth Thursday in November. 

COVID-19 doesn't care who is celebrating what on any given day. It is, as Dr. Michael Osterholm says, simply looking for more wood to burn. It doesn't stop at borders or avoid certain populations. 

I like to think of our efforts at prevention and mitigation as little fire breaks, helping put out a hot spot before it jumps and joins another one. Can we each do our part? 

I seem to have sidetracked from my STOP. LOOK. GO. theme. Not really. 

STOP: Cultivate presence.

LOOK: Cultivate perspective.

GO: Cultivate possibility.

(Read more at https://gratefulness.org/blog/cultivating-practice-grateful-living-as-a-way-of-life/

The possibilities we can be helping cultivate now include saving lives and helping those hit the hardest by the pandemic. Like we do every Thanksgiving season, we made donations so others could have a holiday meal. Our Thanksgiving is typically small, but this year it will include measures to help keep us all safe. 

Are we disappointed and inconvenienced? It could be seen that way. Or we can recognize the plentitude. This year we have continued to have all that we need and more. We have many rich blessings. 

When I stop, look, go . . . I go forward with good energy and a sense of what matters most.

This is a puzzle our grandson Leo and I just started working on. 2020 has been perplexing and puzzling. But the pieces we need are all there. The puzzle comes together a piece at a time. Possibility unfolds a moment at a time. 

Here's to possibility. Here's to STOP. LOOK. GO. 

I will be taking a blog break until early next week. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. Happy day ahead to all. Cultivate the possibility at hand. 
