Leap Day Comes Back Around

Today I am grateful for this Universe we live in, for the Earth's revolution around our life-giving Sun every 365 1/4 days. We are humble tiny parts in a vast whole we cannot even fathom. 

I have been writing this blog for nearly 8 years, but this is only the second Leap Day I have encountered in that time, so I thought I would go back and see if and what I wrote on the last Leap Day. This is most of that day's post: 

February 29, 2016 

Though feeling considerably better, the virus that took hold in me hasn't made a complete exit, so I continue to make rest a priority. That is not always something I am good at. I push myself and fill my days from early in the morning until running out of gas somewhere in the evening. And that pace certainly could have made me vulnerable to viral attack.

My body said "enough" and I literally was limited by my energy level. That makes it much easier to prioritize. Do I have to get anything else done before I rest? When you aren't feeling good, the answer is quicker to come. Stop pushing. Start resting.

I have gone to bed earlier and slept in a little. I have taken more naps. I have kept my expectations reasonable and low. It has all helped me provide better self-care. Give it a rest Lisa. Give it a rest.

It was a case of Influenza A that I was sick with in 2016, one of the few times I got sick other than a cold in recent years. As the world confronts the coronavirus outbreak, I am reminded of the importance of our physical health and the things we can do to maintain it. And also, as in my words four years ago, what we can do to take care of ourselves when ill and vulnerable. 

The words "Give it a rest Lisa. Give it a rest." carry meaning for me beyond my physical body. My mind has overworked for decades and I am finally making decent progress in giving it the right kind of breaks, learning a new pace and clarity. It is progress that is most welcome. 

On this Leap Day I also give thanks for the leap I took into the blogosphere nearly eight years ago. It has taught me much, brought me to new places both inside and outside of my writer's heart and soul. It has made all the difference. ONWARD! Onward! 
