The Significance of 17

Today I am grateful for marriage, motherhood, and our son Sam.

Happy 17th Birthday Sam!

With his permission, here is a picture of him (taken by my sister Ann) at about 3 1/2 years of age, sitting on one of the tractors at my family's farm. It is one of his favorite places to go. He took to the farm right away and that interest only deepened and grew. It's a fitting picture, and his mom likes to see that little child.

It helps me keep it all in perspective. Wistful. Bittersweet. Proud. Worried. Unconditional love. Amazing grace. Excited. Potential. They all fit.

The year ahead will be filled with things like the ACT test in a few weeks, AP tests in May, senior pictures, college applications, and the start of his final year of high school and senior football season. He is just around the corner to being 18 and adult things like being able to vote and registering with Selective Service.

Just for today, he is my son Sam celebrating a birthday. I love you dearly Sam and appreciate you in so many ways!

I wrote about open heart vulnerability a few days ago. Being a parent is open heart vulnerability at its finest. The risks are worth the rewards.


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