Letters and Words, Strides and Miles

Today I am grateful for the work connections I have made over the years and for the many, many genuinely good people that exist in this world.

Several members of my school/work community, past and present, have been hit by loss recently. I will be attending the funeral today for a retired colleague who died suddenly at age 73. Life is precious, life is fragile. Today is a gift.

I just moved through an A-Z gratitude list, my sixth one on this blog, focusing on alcoholism and recovery. It is nice to have the alphabet to give me some direction. It is also amazing to have the alphabet, just 26 letters, create hundreds and thousands of words. Those words have now helped me create hundreds and thousands of blog posts, poems, and so much more.

And I don't think I had made this connection before, though it seems obvious now. There are 26 letters in the alphabet and just over 26 miles in a full marathon. Two of the most transformative, reflective, and healthy practices in my life are running and writing. Twenty-six letters. Twenty-six miles. Multiplied ad infinitum.

Letters and words, strides and miles. Gifts beyond measure. People who have touched our lives in big and small ways, sharing life's path for a short time or for decades. More gifts beyond measure.
