1965 Doubly Meaningful

Today I am grateful for my sense of touch and the feel of cool air on my skin. I am also grateful for the way it feels to write on paper with a smooth pen. It flows and my writer's heart is content.

A few days ago I noticed my post number here on this blog was approaching 1965, and it made me think of my birth year. Today's post will be post # 1965 when I hit publish in a few minutes. It brought some random numbers and thoughts to my mind.

*19 was the drinking age in Iowa when I was that age, and I remember thinking it was pretty nice to be able to drink "legally" finally. Legally and normally are two very different things.
*65 is a common age to retire. Will I be ready and able to retire then?  Darcy and I talk about this upcoming time in our lives some, and certainly are doing some financial planning for it, but that's enough for now.
*1 day at time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time. It's a healthy, more sustainable way to approach life, and seek gratitude and grace.
*9 lives in my drinking days. How many times I could have died or killed someone else. I am here today and I try not to take that for granted.
*6 schools. I have taught in three different schools and been a counselor in three different schools. They have all been unique and special to me, but my current school is extraordinary in ways. A new school year starts today and I am excited for it.
*5 brothers. 7 sisters. We are a baker's dozen and I appreciate each and every one of them. The decades have flown by. We all get along and no one has been booted from the brood. That is pretty cool.

So 1965 is more than just a number today. And today is more than just a day. It is a gift.
