Gratitude as Fuel

Today I am grateful for my hair stylist Lori and the good job that she does. I am also grateful for other people who make part of their life's work spreading the word about gratitude as a healthy practice.

One such person is Steve Foran. He is known as "The Gratitude Guy" and is one of my readers. He was one of the first people to comment on my blog. He encouraged me to keep blogging and said every post counts. I appreciated hearing from someone I didn't know that my blog was making a difference. I have been watching his monthly musing videos ever since. They are short, usually between 1 1/2 to 2 minutes long, but they always carry a worthwhile message. He finds gratitude in the ways we often overlook, in the simple, mundane things of life. I love that. That is my kind of gratitude.

Watch his May, 2014 Musing video here. Hear how he uses a melted snow pile to make a point.Here are some of Steve's word from the video:

"Life is a gift, an amazing gift."

"It's what you do each day that determines your legacy, so begin each day by counting your blessings."

"Use gratitude as fuel . . . to make this world a better place." 

I fully appreciate his idea to use gratitude as fuel. Fuel to make a difference. I also consider it fuel for each of my days. If I start with some gratitude, I seem to tap into a better, more reliable source of energy to take into my day. That gives me more energy to be of service to others and that is one of my daily goals too.

Thanks Steve!
