One Shovelful At A Time

Today I am grateful for electricity and for yet another opportunity to appreciate my physical capabilities while out shoveling.

We got over six inches of snow and some happy kids have a snow day in May! I was out shoveling early this morning, doing a moving meditation, praying for others who have health and other concerns. I didn't want snow in May, they didn't want their issues. But it gave me perspective once again. I am healthy and able to shovel and there are many who would have gladly traded with me to be able to shovel.

It is a good approach to take into my day. Take it one shovelful at a time. Acceptance.

When I was out shoveling, our power went out. It was a little surreal. The snow threw some light until daylight arrived. I came in the house and appreciated the quiet that only comes when the appliances aren't buzzing. But I hoped the outage would be short-lived. It was. Less than an hour and a half. Enough to remind me not to take electricity, and other sources of power, for granted.

So I will proceed into the day with my shovel and see how it goes.
