Ears and Shoulders

Today I am grateful for my gratitude journal and this blog. They help me keep my focus and a positive perspective. I'm also grateful for the lamps in our house. I appreciate the soothing light they give off.

And I am grateful for ears and shoulders, mine and others. Yesterday in a stretch of a few hours, I had several people do some venting to me. I was their sounding board, their safe place. Venting, sharing, unloading, unburdening, releasing frustration, commiserating--all have value because it's better to get rid of that which weighs on us, or at least keep it at a manageable size. Otherwise, tough emotions can become toxic, taint our view of self and world.

Ears and shoulders. I listen with my ears and heart, and I hope I do a decent job of it. I try. I'm not so much the one with shoulders people cry on, nor am I much of a crier myself, but my figurative shoulders can help absorb the burdens others carry. It's a gift to be trusted.

When I use my ears and shoulders to hear and support others, I am better able to keep my own life in perspective. I am better able to remain grateful because I am reminded that others are facing challenges and struggles too, and I'm not alone.

Ears and shoulders. I will try to make mine available today.

Thank you to those who are my safe place, my sounding boards. You help me so much.
