Anniversaries of a Different Kind

Today I am grateful for opportunities to run with my husband, and shorter distances with my son. I appreciate that my husband is forgiving and doesn't hold grudges.

Today I am also especially grateful that my sister Mary Jo is celebrating the two-year anniversary of her surgery for lung cancer. She is also coming up on her six-year mark since being diagnosed with breast cancer. She is doing well and even with setbacks along the way has maintained a positive attitude and tremendous courage.

I know what it feels like to hear you have cancer, and how it rocks your world. I can only imagine what it was like for her to hear that news twice. It was scary enough for those of us who love her. To get through the toughest days she had and to remain upbeat and grateful now is impressive. I am proud of you Mary Jo and so thankful for every good report you get.

Yesterday was also one of those anniversaries of a different kind for my friend Jenny. Her breast cancer diagnosis was delivered four years ago, just weeks after mine. That began a rocky few months for each of us, but it also began an enduring friendship.

Cancer takes too much from too many. We take the silver linings we can get.
