Grab a Shovel, It's Getting Deep

Today I am grateful for the smell of coffee before it hits the brewer, and the taste of the first sip when it is done.

Grab a shovel, it's getting deep. Literally this morning, there is enough snow to shovel. It's heavy and wet, and honestly not that deep.  But I did notice these mesmerizing patterns last night as I pushed our shovel across the driveway:

Forces of nature meet human force in a minor miracle of physics. 

My thoughts turned to shovels. Literally, my farm upbringing was not short on opportunities to grab a shovel and pitch some manure. Though the smells weren't always pleasant, my memories of growing up on a farm are. 

Figuratively, the shovels look different. We are deep into the pandemic, and it is still getting deeper. Shoveling daily resilience to survive the grueling grind. Shovelfuls of vaccines will take a lot of work and patience to add up to herd immunity. A daily shovel of acceptance always helps. 

I have a shovel. You have a shovel. Yes, we all have a shovel. What path can I clear today? What helpful pile can I add to, one shovelful at a time? 
