Feel the Love

Today I am grateful for laundry. Yes, laundry.

I don’t hate doing laundry, but I don’t love it either. I am grateful for a working washer and dryer, electricity, plenty of clothes, loved ones whose clothes I can lovingly wash and fold.  I like any job I can see immediate results with.

This morning I was fresh off some meditation time that I have been trying to incorporate regularly into my morning routine. Senses heightened and some oxytocin released, putting the clothes in the washer felt different. 

The texture of Darcy’s new work shirts, as he began the first week of his new job. He is still working from home, but he upgraded his wardrobe a bit. The smoother feel of Sam’s workout clothes and their quick-dry fabric. He will be heading back to college this next week.

A load of laundry and the love I have for my guys. Not a bad way to begin a day. Onward! 
