A Newly Open Mind Considers #10

Today I am grateful for a beautiful night to watch football and for embracing the range of emotions that come as Sam gets closer to full-fledged adulthood.

Point of Clarity #10: "An open mind allows inspiration in."

My sister Mary Jo's death was a direct hit in my life. A key loss. Since her death, I have thought about death and dying in new ways. Her illness and death opened my mind, even while it was straining my heart.

Inspiration is generally considered a good thing, but it isn't always easy and it doesn't always equate with the easiest of feelings. Still, I can be grateful for this range of feelings, this depth of emotions. It beats numbness or complacency.

I am already riding the roller coaster of motherhood I anticipate this year, Sam's senior year of high school. Last night was the opening game of his senior football season. It was a win for the Raiders, and also "First on the Turf" of the newly renovated field that has been home to local football games for 85 years.

Read this "Last on the Grass" post from last October to catch the first half of this last/first business.

Last year's gold towel was replaced with this year's blue towel:

Two days after Mary Jo died in June, Darcy was out of town for work, and Sam's senior pictures were scheduled. Talk about the extent of emotions! I spent a couple hours with him and the photographer and assistant, still reeling from the news of Mary Jo's death. And I felt fully alive in both my grief and my love. 

Open mind and open heart go hand in hand. My mind actually needs to open and empty of the excess ruminations it is so good at spinning before it can receive inspiration. The inspiration then follows through to my heart. 

An overthinker and overdoer for decades, this mind-emptying and opening is a work in progress for me. Practice makes progress possible. As I practice gratefulness, pausing, meditation, prayer, and as I entrust my thoughts and feelings to those I know I can, the progress comes. The hard work pays off. The inspiration comes, sometimes in amazing ways. 
