Yesterday's Carrots are Today's Tomatoes

Today I am grateful for the fresh air on this morning's walk with our dog Oliver. And for Oliver and the many ways he adds to our family. 

Yesterday I wrote about mindfully peeling carrots. Today, I am chuckling a little about the tomatoes 
I enjoyed. Actually, I was chuckling about the packaging they came in. Not to promote any brand in particular, I do appreciate this company's sense of humor.  From the "Let us out!" to the "Please don't refrigerate. It's too cold in there!" 

The message on the flip side was especially appreciated. "Enjoy the fruits of our labor." Thank you to all who helped grow and harvest these tomatoes and then get them to our local store, which then allowed me to bring them home for my family and I. 

What will the fruits of my labor be today? The gentle ripening of some kindnesses shared and peace experienced? Or the slow rotting of overthinking and unreasonable expectations?

I have a choice. We all do. We always do. It takes discipline. Discipline and willingness. Willingness and surrender. 
