More Will Be Revealed

Today I am grateful for the arrival of spring and more daylight. I am also grateful for electricity and the ease of making a pot of coffee to share.

As the snow and ice have been receding in recent days, more of the roadways, trails, sidewalks, and open spaces are being revealed. We see earth and dirt and last year's grass and leaves. More will be revealed and then this year's new grass and leaves will spring forth.

More will be revealed. That phrase also captures my spiritual life. It has endless potential for new growth and deepening. If I have an open mind and heart, more will be revealed to help guide me, to remind me that I am never alone, that I don't have to "figure it out."

I just need to live, a moment at a time, a day at a time, striving to pay attention and do the next right thing. Striving to add to the positive stream of life, to help, not hinder.

Like the snow and ice recede to reveal the ever-changing landscape, as my ego and resistance recede, more grace and gratefulness are revealed, changing the landscape of my soul.

As my lack of acceptance is replaced by more surrender and letting go, more peace is revealed.

Heady stuff. Not heavy stuff. Growing spirituality enlightens and in turn lightens my burdens.

What will be revealed to me, to you, today as we pay attention?


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