Both Composition and Composer

Living gratefully in this moment, I laughed a little at myself and my supposed to-do list for the day. It brought me back to the present and savoring a sip of coffee and a bite of peanut butter and jelly on toast.

A recent "Word for the Day" at reads:

"We are all at once both a composition and a composer. 
We have the ability not only to compose the future of our own lives,
but to help compose the future of everyone around us
and the communities in which we live." 
(Maya Angelou)

The future is built in how we live the present. Is the way I am living my life creating some beautiful music or too much loud racket? I do plenty of writing, but not songs. The song of my life is being written a day at a time. How I choose to live today is impacting the lives of those around me too.

Notes and lyrics are added each day. Is there harmony or discord?  Some of each. Each new day, however, allows me to do some revising. Progress not perfection. Practice makes progress possible. Forgiveness of self and others helps.

Beautiful music comes. Loud racket comes. With help from the Great Composer, I can get back on track. Silence helps too. Time in silence helps the composer and the composition.

Random thoughts from my random brain this morning. Have a good day!
