Open-minded Inspiration (Point #10)

Today I am grateful for the video footage we have of Sam as a baby. I am also grateful for cake and ice cream-what a great team.

I am thinking today of my friend Beth and her family. Her father passed away yesterday. Thoughts and prayers are with you Beth.

Back to the "17 Points of Clarity." Point of clarity #10: "An open mind allows inspiration in."

A mind full of fear and worry is not open. An exhausted mind is not an open mind.

But a mind that can stay in the present moment, also known as "mindfulness," is one that may find inspiration coming through.

Mind-fullness or mindfulness? I'll take the latter.

When I was going through cancer surgeries and treatment, keeping the fear at bay with faith, and keeping myself busy with day-to-day stuff allowed inspiration to come through. Sometimes that inspiration helped me come to a decision about what to do next with surgeries. Sometimes that inspiration allowed words to flow from pen to paper, helping me process difficult emotions.

Then and now, openminded inspiration includes consideration of what I have to be grateful for.Maintaining an attitude of gratitude as I move through my day helps me stay in the present moment. Focusing on what I do have, instead of worrying about what I might lose or wishing for what I might get, seems to be a better place to put my energy.

Sounds like a plan for today. Have a good one.
