Forgiveness Says . . .TGIF

Word for the Day 

Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.
-Desmond Tutu-

Beautiful words to start a new day. Today is Friday and I do appreciate that, but I also appreciate "Thank God I'm Forgiven."  I wrote about it in a post on September 9, 2013 and it flows nicely with the words above. Here is part of that post:

This TGIF was seen on a sign outside a church in my area. TGIF: Thank God I'm forgiven. I am grateful for the role of forgiveness in my life. Others have forgiven me and continue to forgive me. My husband Darcy tops that list because I need his forgiveness more than anyone else's. Other than myself, I am toughest on him.

It reminds me of this little prayer: "Lord, make no one's life worse off for having crossed my path today." If I keep that in mind, less forgiveness is needed.

Then there's self-forgiveness. I was my own worst enemy through my teen years and my active drinking. I made mistakes. I felt shame and guilt. I knew better, but I couldn't seem to do better. In early sobriety, I continued to be tough on myself. I still can be today, but it doesn't last as long. I accept myself and my humanness much better than I used to. That means I also accept others and their humanness better too. I have fewer expectations, more acceptance, and I try to remember to be kind and gentle.

I appreciate that forgiveness allows for fresh starts. TGIF.

In the years since I first wrote that post, I have had the need for more forgiveness and new kinds of forgiveness. There have been amazing times and very challenging times in those years too. One of my faithful companions has helped me through. Read about it in Another Take On TGIF  from April 27, 2018.

Forgiveness on a Friday, on any day, is a kindness granted. Grant some to yourself and others today. Fresh starts and new beginnings await. Onward! 
