The Kindnesses Within . . . Blinking, Breathing and So Much More

Living gratefully today, I appreciate our stationary bike and the feeling of muscles working and supporting one another. I am thankful of the reminders of how fortunate I am to have the mobility and strength that I do.

As I listened to a meditation track this morning, I was being asked to focus and reflect on the ways my body is kind to me.  I haven't typically used the word kind to apply to body processes. I considered my blinking eyes that help me see and my circulating cells as they carry oxygenated blood throughout my body. If that isn't kindness, what is? 

Appreciation for my physical body has long been on my gratitude list, imperfections and all. Running marathons, birthing and breastfeeding my son, shoveling snow, walking miles a day are things I have taken pride in, and also make efforts to not take for granted. A cancer diagnosis and removal of now eight body parts because of cancer, or the threat of cancer, have deepened my gratefulness.

But blinking eyes, coordinating muscles, heartbeats, blood flow; I can't say that I have considered them kindnesses to myself. That really puts a nice and fresh spin on this aging body of mine. 

In a world where the images we are inundated with, and the marketing and advertising all around us, tell us we need to improve our physical imperfections and here's how, we need this message of kindness to our own physical presence and amazing body functions so much. And so do our young people.

Pause. Blink a couple times. Put your hand on your heart and feel your own breathing. Take a mindful step or two and consider the nerves, muscles, joints, and bones that orchestrated such a maneuver.

Amazing. The kindnesses within are absolutely amazing. 
