Jealous, Judgmental, and Jaded

Living gratefully today, I appreciate holiday music favorites and indoor plumbing.

Returning to the A-Z list of challenges (a.k.a. silver linings), the letter "J" awaits.

I would like to think that I am not a JEALOUS sort, but I am. It's not one of my most glaring issues, but it flares up at times. It may be material in nature, like a bigger house with the kitchen and master suite I dream of having. Or it may be circumstances such as the flexibility and finances to be able to not work or work less than full-time.

JUDGMENTAL? Guilty here. As my sister Aileen says, if speed judging were an Olympic sport I would have a really good chance of making the team. My wrong-sized ego is constantly judging and getting all self-righteous about how smart and efficient it is and apparently other people aren't. I reserve the harshest judgment for myself, but have made good progress in lovingkindness, compassion, and forgiveness more recently. It is taking hard work, but it is the best work.

JADED is defined as "tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something." This shows up most frequently in my work setting. Having spent 32 years working in schools, and being in my 20th year at my current job, it's not surprising that cynicism and a listless attitude sometimes plague me.

Jealous, judgmental, and jaded?  If we are honest, we all have familiarity with these. My goal is to be more familiar with gratefulness and where it is apparent in everyday life. Gratitude is an effective antidote to pretty much anything that ails me. From jealous to appreciative of the roof over my family's head. From judgmental to embracing the grace in imperfection. From jaded to energized by the opportunities that await in a job where no two days are alike.

Onward my fellow humans. Onward!
