
Today I am grateful for prayer, in solitude and in group settings. I am also grateful for warmer air today, relatively speaking.

I am winding up my "w" words with weakness. We often think of weakness as a negative, our faults and defects as something we don't want to look at. But it is good to recognize our weaknesses and do what we can to not succumb to them so often. It is also good to forgive others when their faults interfere with our day. And to remember we are all flawed and that is what makes us human.

But there is another type of weakness that is more fun to talk about--those weaknesses that are about an object of special desire or fondness. A real weakness of mine is ice cream.

I have always liked ice cream. I'm from a family of ice cream fans. We didn't get spoiled growing up in our large family, but ice cream was a fairly regular treat. (Maybe because we always had cake and ice cream on birthdays and we had a lot of birthdays.) I recall when Mom would cut a half gallon square of ice cream into pieces and we would each get one. She was a master at making evenly-sized pieces. She knew how to keep the peace.

So my weakness for ice cream goes way back. When I was single and living alone, I would get a half gallon of ice cream and when I felt like having some, I would grab the box and a spoon and have what I wanted. Then I would return the box to the freezer until next time. Today, when I don't feel like sharing, I get my own pint. (Better than my own pint of booze, wouldn't you agree?)

My weakness for ice cream has been a source of joy in my life. A few too many calories as well, but worth it. I am grateful for ice cream and the many times it has soothed my stomach and my mind.

What is a "fun" weakness you have?
