
Today I am grateful for my job and the variety of experiences it offers. I am also grateful for my reading ability.

The second "t" word I have chosen is tenacious. Cohesive. Tough. Strong. And my favorite definition among the several in the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary was this one:persistent in maintaining or adhering to something valued or habitual. I am tenacious in my gratitude practice. I am tenacious in my recovery. I am tenacious in my running.

Tenacious in my relationships with family and friends too. That is what it takes to maintain healthy relationships-hanging in there through thick and thin, persevering and forgiving. That is what makes it possible to savor the joy those relationships bring. Relationships can't always be easy and times always happy. If they are too hard or too sad, the writing is on the wall. But even healthy relationships have tough stretches and hurt feelings. Riding those times out is what brings the cohesion, and a deeper level of joy.

I sometimes fear that our society and popular culture do a disservice to the work required for healthy and lasting relationships. There are too many messages that set the bar way too high for what a "perfect" relationship is and then too many messages that say if it isn't working out, leave and look for better. Sometimes leaving is the best option, but sometimes the beginnings of a wonderful relationship are thrown to the curb forever.

I close with the tenacious nature of the gratitude practice I continue to pursue. I have been keeping gratitude journals for over 18 years. I have 10 journals full of my messy handwriting and full of my gratitude. I have 600 blog posts in 22 months. I continue, I adhere to this practice, because it is something I value. I tend to value things that change my life for the better. Gratitude practice is on a short list of things that have changed my life the most.

What are you tenacious about in your life lately?
