It Took Me a Long Time to Get Here

Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy, our strong marriage, and a date night last night.

It took me a long time to get here. Not to this last day of 2012, rather to the place where I am comfortable, and dare I say confident, in my own skin. I'm both a slow learner and a late bloomer.But that was the only way I could get here. Shortcuts, fewer or different challenges, less stubbornness--all of those may have brought me to a different place, and I prefer to be right here, right now.

The years do seem to go faster, but I try to stay in the day and I appreciate each year I get. I am remembering those who died in 2012. For some it was a gift to go peacefully and it was their time.For others, it was a tragic, terrible twist of fate and it doesn't seem fair that it was their time. I don't live in fear of death, but I don't live recklessly either. Life is too precious.

Getting here also means a deeper humility. My ego wants to take the bulk of the credit, but I cannot. I thank my Higher Power and the many messengers that have been lined up for me over the years. It isn't so much getting from Point A to  Point B. It is more about the general direction of life. I was misguided, lost, wandering aimlessly in the figurative sense. Now, I have clarity and goals and faith and inspiration.

What gifts this day and this life are! And only possible for me through the daily focus on gratitude that continues to help me learn and blossom.

Have a good day!
