Faith is Everything

Today I am grateful for a Sunday afternoon fire in our fire-pit and Darcy's delicious homemade lasagna. I am also grateful for what my son teaches me.

My son Sam's Sunday school lesson yesterday focused on "Faith is Everything" and he created a flower with each petal talking about faith. It was just the message I needed when he joined me at the church service after class. I had had a rough morning--mostly of my own creation. I wasn't feeling very faith-filled at that point, but rather ego-driven.

If I were to make a poster about faith and what it means to me, my flower petals would say:

*Replace fear with faith. Or at least reduce fear with faith. Fear can be a big factor in my life if I let it take hold. Faith doesn't allow it to take hold.

*Faith without works is dead. I can't think my way into right actions. I need to act my way into right thinking.

*If I take one step toward my Higher Power, my HP takes ten steps toward me.

*My Higher Power sends me many messengers of faith in my life. They are my family, friends, and sometimes even strangers who prove that faith is alive and well.

*I will never fully arrive at my faith destination. It is an ongoing journey. But the longer I keep moving forward on the path, the better the view gets.

*There are many spiritual tools in my toolkit. Prayer, gratitude journaling, staying in touch with others in recovery, reading key passages in meditation books, and asking for help from my HP are a few that come to mind.

*Most assuredly, regular practice of gratitude regularly restores my faith in the
world I live in.

No one else can give me faith. I can't give you faith. We each have to find our own. But that doesn't mean we can't help each other find it.
