Who Moved?

Living gratefully today, I soaked up the warmth of a sweatshirt fresh out of the dryer and a moment of silence between myself and my Higher Power.

Higher Power. Great Spirit. God. Those are the names I most often use when referring to my own concept and understanding of a power beyond human. Call yours whatever you would like. Let's not get hung up on names. Let's keep reaching out to that power for support, energy, grace, and opportunities to serve.

I will say this about names for higher entities. If the one you are currently using, or the one you were raised with, doesn't click for you, if it is more an obstacle than an opening; please find a name that does resonate with you. It is simply about placing faith, trust, and hope in more than our human selves. (My opinion, my blog.)

There are numerous things I appreciate about the faith of my upbringing. And I have found far more to appreciate about this idea of a higher force at work in my life the last three decades since I have been doing daily work for my daily disease of alcoholism.

I get in my own way often. I put up my own obstacles. They can look like denial, expectations, self-pity, false pride. Before I know it, I feel distant from Great Spirit.

The pertinent question to ask is "Who moved?" It wasn't Great Spirit. It was me. Great Spirit never abandons me. I believe that to the core of my existence, in my heart and soul. Messengers are sent to reconnect me. Sometimes they are the words and wisdom shared by others. Sometimes it is nature speaking loud and clear. Sometimes it is a coincidence, a chance happening, just when I need it.

Messengers of many kinds. And a few simple actions--a prayer, a return to willingness, a reach out to a fellow sufferer--and I am back in the comforting presence of a higher force that is ready to guide me simply through my day. Do the next right thing with an open heart and right-sized ego. That's all.

Who moved? I did. This morning I moved back closer to the God of my understanding and I feel hopeful and energized.

Where are you today in relation to your Higher Power? I will continue to ask myself that same question today. Just by asking it, I am staying in conscious contact.
