Misty Memories

Today I am grateful for people who understand alcoholism and who understand me. I am also grateful for reminders to slow down; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Misty water-colored memories yesterday had me thinking of my Dad and my sister Mary Jo, and other losses in my life. Grief is about far more than loss through death. Life can be considered a series of losses. We lose what once was and who we once were, to become who and what we are today. The losses and gains are inextricably woven together.

So as I listened to "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart" yet again, I heard the words "and misty memories of days gone by" in a new way. This is a song from the Bee Gees that I have always liked. It is also one of the songs that Mary Jo's family chose to have playing during the slide show at her memorial service. Pictures of her life, her family, her story crossing the screen, and many feelings crossing my heart. The song holds more meaning and emotion for me than ever.

I think back to my childhood, my heart broken when my favorite kitty, my pick of the litter, died a tragic death. It happened more than once. I was a young child, probably 7 or 8. I didn't know what to do with my grief, and I don't recall being comforted by others.

So I decided then that I would be strong and move forward. That decision, unguided, has defined me in ways that are both limiting and limitless. I found compassion for that little girl and forgiveness for the lack in my upbringing. Compassion and forgiveness continue in my heart, in these words, and hopefully in the way I live.

My sister Danita, in a recent writing of hers, reminds us to take a time-out. Take a break. Give a break. Feel the feelings. The joy and the pain. Grace emerges then, and so do the gifts of a day fully lived. From onward to Onward!
