Soaking Up the Sun

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the beautiful sliver of the moon that greeted Oliver and I on our morning walk, and the oatmeal Darcy and I shared for breakfast.

On Friday, we saw the sun more than we had for several days. Yesterday, it was out in even fuller glory. Gray day after gray day, compounded by shorter daylight, and I really started to miss the light and energy that the sun brings. It is easy to sense the same in others as well; at work, at home, and just out and about.

Sunshine not only brightens the sky and all it touches, it brightens the human spirit. So yesterday here are some of the ways I soaked up the sun:

*My friend Jill and I found the sunniest spot to sit in at the coffee shop. Good to see you Jill!

*Though it impeded my sight as I drove, I said thank you to the sun and appreciated having to put my sunglasses on. Besides, I like how I look in my shades. :-)

*As I rode with my son Sam and husband Darcy, I savored the warmth of the sunshine before the vehicle's heat had time to take effect. I also appreciated the beautiful and bright countryside as we left city limits and enjoyed more of the great wide open.

*Stepping outside numerous times, I paused briefly to notice the sun and what it was up to at that particular time of the day. Fleeting moments added up to fuller absorption of that sunshine, on more than a physical plane.

Presently I am soaking up a new sunrise, with all of the color and glory with which it arrives.

Soaking up the sun allows more gratitude to soak in.
