Gratefulness is not Complacency

Today I am grateful for laughter with colleagues and a healthy "I don't care" attitude about some things I used to care far too much about.

Living gratefully is not something that we all come by easily. Remember, our brains are hardwired to look for danger, for negative threats. We have to do some retraining and change our default. The good news is, at any age, our brain can learn new things, new neural pathways can be created.

So it can take some work. That's a challenge at times. Another challenge for some is the idea that if I am grateful for what I already have, then I become complacent and stop striving for a better life, stop working for more good, more for which to be grateful.

Personally, that has not been the case for me at all. Gratefulness creates anything but complacency in me. My complacency tended to have me stuck in difficult emotions, overthinking, unhealthy ego, overdoing. All the stuff that holds me back.

Living gratefully moves me forward. It creates energy to pursue my priorities and passions. It helps me connect with others and the wider world. It brings respect and a gentleness for what I already have. I treat others, things, and myself more lovingly.

That is anything but complacent my friends. Need to be convinced? Get started on a new or broader gratitude practice of your own. See, feel, experience what happens.
