Life Changing, Changing Lives

Today I am grateful for the bike ride Darcy and I were able to take and enjoy yesterday, despite the cold, clouds, snowflakes, hills. It was all those and sore body parts that made us appreciate it all the more. I am also grateful for the song "Kind and Generous" by Natalie Merchant, a fitting listen for today.

Happy Thanksgiving fellow Americans! Happy day of giving thanks. That's a message for more than one day in more than one country. It makes more of a difference when it is an everyday effort on each day. Or at least an occasional effort on some days here and there.

Please don’t wait until November or Thanksgiving Day. A life changing opportunity is lost in the waiting and resisting. Some days the practice may seem mundane. And on other days, the impact will be profound and the realization will be genuine. Today is a gift. The presents in the present are anything but minor.

It’s beyond saying thank you to others who help us, or expressing gratitude for the things we have in our lives. It is about pausing and appreciating life itself.

I captured this picture yesterday on our bike ride:

These turkeys and I both made it to another Thanksgiving Day. I can't speak for the turkeys, but I know I am sure thankful to be here.

Life and the gratefulness I feel ebbs and flows. Some days are diamonds, some are stones. Yet, I can state without hesitation that living gratefully has changed my life beyond measure and understanding. It has made all the difference; opening my mind, heart, and soul in ongoing ways. And I hope that has allowed me to make a difference to others, to contribute to the positive stream of life.

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy day of giving thanks. A special thank you to all reading this.
