Decisions, Then Patience

Today I am grateful for drains that work and hill repeats I can run to challenge my aging body.

In another conversation with a recovering friend the other day, he was talking about a rough few moments with family. Too many people, tired, and with varying expectations. It led to some reactions, to some decisions. Some were helpful, some were not.

Decisions. We face them every day, throughout the day. There are so many that we often make them almost unconsciously. What to eat. What to wear. When to brake. When to accelerate. Many decisions are fairly inconsequential, but taken together through the course of the day, they can alter how well, or not well, our day and our attitude unfold.

Other decisions carry significant weight. They may be mulled over, discussed, written about for days, weeks, months. Maybe it is a large purchase like a home or vehicle. Maybe it is about a relationship. Maybe it is about career direction or change.

These weightier decisions are the ones we shouldn't rush into, and they are the ones that also tend to require the most patience after the decision has been made, the action taken.

Patience to see how it goes. Patience to absorb the changes and shifts that come, both those expected and unexpected. Patience is a tall order for ego-driven people like me, still I understand the importance. And I use a variety of tools and plenty of prayer to help me through.

Decisions, big and small, await us today. When I pause in gratefulness, when I acknowledge the gifts in this day, my decisions are better-guided. The patience is more readily available.

Simple, but not easy.
