Never Before, Never Again

Today I am grateful for time to walk and peruse in climate controlled environs with my husband Darcy, and that he also did the driving yesterday. I am also grateful for the perspective my son Sam has on things ranging from eating to wrestling.

This quote caught my eye and my grateful heart recently:

"This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before." 
(Maya Angelou)

The same quote was highlighted in this post from nearly two years ago.  It is such a profound quote though, that it is worthy of a revisit and further writing contemplation.

December 30, 2017 A.D. will never occur again. The 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds that comprise this day will pass by only once. So what?  or  SO, WHAT will I make of it?

We have a choice every day, every waking minute really. I have spent many days of my life absorbed in worries, fears, selfish thinking, unreasonable expectations. I have wasted a lot of moments there. Living gratefully gives me an opportunity to change my perception, to gain some energy and momentum to move forward more productively. To add to the stream of life positively.

Think about it. We all add to the stream of life, either creating more clear flow or polluting the waters.
We will all do some polluting. Our humanness makes it so. But if I can vow to create more flow and less pollution, that's a good goal. A goal worthy of my effort.

And that effort gets a good start when I greet a new day with some surprise and thanksgiving. There is wonder in the newness and the opportunity. It doesn't mean monumental things will happen, though on some days they do. It simply means honoring the minutes and hours with mindful presence, to the best of my ability.

"This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before." 
