Little Amazing Things

Today I am grateful for a well-timed nap for me yesterday afternoon and for the athletic trainer available to all athletes at Sam's wrestling matches.

The nap gave me a better perspective on the remaining hours of my day, after I had gotten just a wee bit "itchy, scratchy."  The trainer provides good direction and suggestions beyond what concerned parents can.

I was thinking about those things I take for granted after I wrote my post on Friday. I then had the opportunity to be a chaperone for my school's choir as they performed at the Mall of America. I saw some little, or should I say huge, amazing things there.

It started with the reflection of a jet in the glass windows of the mall entrance we were using. Amazing eyes to see. Amazing reflection. Amazing jet propulsion.

As I sat in a busy area of the mall a little while later, observing, people-watching, I was intrigued.
Intrigued by the many faces and voices, body shapes and sizes passing by. I could see family resemblances, hear excited voices alongside frustrated and tired ones. Yet, every individual was unique.

Amazing. There are over 7.5 billion humans on the planet today, each one of a kind and each with their own story.

That idea alone stops me short, gives me reason to pause. We each deserve respect and our space in this amazing mix of humanity. If I carry that idea into my day, I am more likely to contribute more and contaminate less.
