No Manual for This Life

It’s really easy to be kind to others when I remember that none of us came 
into this world with a manual about how to get it all right.


I read this over a few times just now. Letting it sink in. We have manuals for any appliance we buy, and for our cars, electronic devices, and so many other things. But not for what still remains the most complex and intricate object on the planet: a human being.

Cutting myself some slack is still not a strong point for me, but practice makes progress possible. I would like to think I have been better about giving other people a break, and I probably have. But in all honesty, I missed many opportunities to do just that when I was so busy having heated discussions with myself.

A pause. A grateful living practice. A smile. All of these simple actions help me tap into human existence and experience. They help me see myself and you with kinder, gentler eyes. We are living in a time of upheaval and uncertainty that is unprecedented in my lifetime. Taylor's words are more pertinent than ever. 

We may not have a manual to refer to, but we do have human hearts we can tap into. An open mind is helpful. We can check in with our bodies and minds and create our own manuals. Don't push when rest is needed. Go with energy when it's there. Listen to that pain. Accept the joy and worthiness we each deserve. 

When we create this self-compassion, it also makes a ready supply available to give to others. Go into the day ahead and look for opportunities to both give and receive compassion. No manual needed. Just give attention to the present.

Whether or not this quote speaks to you, let Jill Bolte Taylor speak to you in this Ted Talk: My Stroke of Insight. A brain researcher giving play-by-play as her own stroke unfolded is pretty interesting listening. 

Have a good day! Unless you've made other plans. 
