Every Hour is Grace


For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart 
each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.

Writer, activist, Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel said these words. 

When I read them this morning, here are some random thoughts:

*"Every hour" reminds me to slow down and live in the now, the hour, to stay present, notice.

*"Grace" is a beautiful word and it fills me with a sense of Great Spirit, Universe, Friend. It reminds me I am not alone, ever. 

*"Every hour is grace" can also be said "every moment is gift."

*"I feel gratitude in my heart" when I live gratefully, embrace it, practice it, and the beauty is that it spreads from my heart outward.

*Loved ones, acquaintances, strangers--smiles shared warm both people doing the sharing. 

*Suffering and grief are not contests and they are very personal and individual. Regardless of our circumstances, we have each known suffering and grief. 

If I remember these things as I interact with others today, there will be more warm smiles, less judgment. Have a good day and a good weekend! Onward! 


  1. Gratitude is one of those things that we know we need to practice but don't do enough of. In the episode, we talk about the power of gratitude and how it can change your life. Visit Understanding the Power of Gratitude

    1. Appreciated listening to your podcast episode. Simple practices have profound impact. Every grateful action contributes to a positive stream. Thanks!


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