Learn To Be Still

Today I am grateful for my physical body and what it allows me to not only do but also feel. I am grateful for all who are working most closely with the pandemic care and decisions that happen daily.

And I am grateful for my friend Jill and her sharing the Eagles' song "Learn To Be Still" a few days ago. Stillness is my focus word for the year. Practice makes progress possible. Practicing stillness in the midst of the mess of pandemic circumstances can be difficult. Her reminder and the song were well-timed.

The title is enough, but listening to the whole song is a good idea too. Learn to be still. Be still. Stillness. I don't always welcome what comes in the stillness. Yet, if it is coming through it is for a reason. An open mind and heart guide me to the reason, the value of the pain or challenge.

At other times, I fully embrace what comes in the stillness. A comforting sound. A gift from nature; like the pair of robins I just observed playfully flitting about in our yard. A sense of contentment in the moment. Writing inspiration.

Learn to be still happens better hour by hour, day by day. Stay in today. There are gifts here. And presence will reveal them. Be still . . .
