
Living gratefully today, I appreciate what I continue to learn about healthy boundaries, both those I set with myself and with others.

Day 7 of A Network for Grateful Living's "Little Things" practice was "Practice Gratitude."

It posed this question:

"Can you feel grateful for something that you might not have noticed as gratitude-worthy before?"

The various ways I practice gratitude and live gratefully have shown me appreciation for the most mundane, the seemingly insignificant, the obvious, the hidden, in raw emotions--both the painful and the joyful ones. Yet, the idea of gratefulness can always lead to new discoveries, more depth, new insights.

As warm and humid air returns to Minnesota, so do mosquitoes. Are mosquitoes gratitude-worthy?
If fish, bats, and frogs could speak of gratitude, they would give thanks for mosquitoes as food. I wouldn't have guessed that many mosquitoes feed on nectar, not blood. They help pollinate and cross-pollinate, significant processes for plant species. Mosquitoes are key players in our ecosystem.

Guess that makes mosquitoes gratitude-worthy. I will ty to remember that the next time one bites me and the itching starts. Maybe it will relieve the sting a little. Gratefulness can do that. Lessen the sting. Lighten the load. Lead the way. Lift our energy.

Consider these words below as you head into the next moments ahead of you:

Photo by Evie S./Unsplash
