
Today I am grateful for my job and also the imminent break from it. I am grateful for the words and music of songs that bring meaningful emotions and thoughts of others.

Vulnerability. That's a loaded word and often misunderstood. It can refer to in a levee vulnerable to breaking, or a military's front line about to surrender. But it can also refer to strength of the best kind. The kind that allows us to reveal our true selves and genuine nature, making it safe for others to do the same.

Vulnerability is part of the human condition, to be acknowledged and validated more than ignored and denied. Sources of vulnerability in my life include my own cancer diagnosis and the diagnoses of my sisters and others I care about. And the disease of alcoholism I wake up with each day, which can be arrested but not cured.

Marriage and motherhood certainly make me vulnerable. The relationships I have with family and friends, at both their solid and their messy times, expose me to the possibility of pain, but also to wonder and deep connections.

One of the most treasured compliments I have gotten as a writer is when someone says they appreciate how I am vulnerable and authentic in my writing. I am reminded of my own words and my deep gratitude for the writing process:
Writing first saved my life. Then it helped me find my life. Now, it helps me live the life I wish to live.

Be willing to be vulnerable today. See, feel, experience what happens.

I will be taking a blog break until later next week. Onward, a day at a time.
