March In

Living gratefully, I took in the beauty of the waning crescent moon in the early morning sky just now.
I also savored the sweetness of the blueberries I am enjoying as part of my breakfast.

Today is March 1 and I am hopefully and happily marching into a new month. February was a relentless dose of winter for many of us. The snowiest February of my lifetime. As someone who typically enjoys shoveling, I was even getting tired of it.

And my body agreed, developing some aches and pains from the repetitive motion and frequency. It is sinking in slowly that I am aging physically. Yet, there is plenty of gratitude for the capabilities I have and the working limbs that allow me to keep shoveling, getting fresh air and exercise.

March is typically our snowiest month. I hope not this year. But March also brings the season of spring, at least on the calendar. It brings more daylight hours and the promise of warmer days and greenery to come.

There is snow forecast for our area today. Go figure. I am also predicting opportunities for gratitude and pausing to rest. Snow piles are abundant all around. They are limiting our view at intersections and in parking lots. Blessings abound too. Clearing our perspective and allowing us to march on into our day, a moment at a time.

Onward! March in to March.
