Gulp, Just Breathe

Today I am grateful for our dog Oliver and the morning routine he and I share. I am also grateful for warmer weather, melting snow, and running in just shorts and a t-shirt.

As I tried to focus on sipping life yesterday, moment by moment, I found myself gulping from time to time. Too often I end up shorting myself on time to get ready and get out the door for my commute to work. It's not like I get up late. I just have too many other things I do: writing, exercise, emails, walking our dog, maybe some laundry.

Yesterday was one of those mornings. By the time I backed my car out of the driveway, I was gulping, wondering if I would get to work on time for the meeting I facilitate most Thursday mornings. Not too far down the road, I chastised myself for already forgetting to "sip it up."  Then I quickly forgave myself, took a deep and calming breath, and settled in for a more pleasant commute.

A similar pattern played out several times as the day went on; regarding work situations, the thoughts in my head, with my expectations of self. I would sip for a time, then I would forget to breathe, and soon find myself gulping the day up again.

It didn't help that I had woken up early, unable to get back to sleep. This also happens more than I would like. Disrupted sleep seems to be one of my menopausal symptoms. Being tired sets me up for more gulping.

Still, I know I am making progress in slowing myself down, in growing awareness of when I am spinning or gulping. A pause, a deep breath, a little smile to myself comes along more quickly than it used to. (In fact, there used to be many days I never had this awareness. I just kept rushing headlong.)

I appreciate the habits I pursue and the people I seek out for support on this quest for less gulping and more sipping. One of those people is my friend Jill. For nearly ten years now, the watch phrase of "just breathe" has been one shared between us. Read a much earlier post about that here . Thanks Jill!

Don't gulp and gasp for air, or peace. Just breathe.

And that's what I did when I got home and went for a run. Stride by stride. Breath by breath.

That's what I do when I sit down to write. Word by word. Line by line.

Just breathe.


  1. Breathe?! I knew there was something I was forgetting...

    1. There is some humor in your words, but also something quite serious. Thanks for the reminder 🙂


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