World Gratitude Day is Today, Every Day

Today I am grateful for the valuable lessons I have learned as I try to live each day gratefully. I am also grateful for the convenience of cereal for breakfast and all who helped make that possible for me.

Today is World Gratitude Day. It's been around as long as I have, but I had never heard of it until two years ago. Here is a post I wrote about it then.

A date to focus on gratitude can be a good starting point, and if you're fortunate, maybe it will become a habit. That is what happened to me. I started keeping a gratitude journal at the suggestion of my good friend and spiritual advisor Terrie. I wasn't feeling all that grateful when I started, but slowly that changed.

It has made all the difference in my life, as I continue to live gratefully, to share gratitude, to train my mind to look for the good, rather than the downside. Changing our perceptions truly can change our world.

I am not a big fan of this special day or that special day. If it's important, we should do it daily or often. Waiting for "World Exercise Day" to exercise would be bad for my health. Waiting for "World Gratitude Day" to practice gratitude is equally as harmful to my overall well-being.

Today can be a good day though, if you need a push to give it a try. It can become the day you started to change the default mode in your brain, the day you started seeing the world around you with more clarity. The day you took a few more pauses to breathe and pay attention to that breathing.

The day you realized what a blessing a simple day and the people and experiences in it can be.
Onward! Have a good day!
