
Today I am grateful for my sense of taste and the way my first cup of coffee tasted smooth and warm this morning. I am also grateful for fellow recovery friends to help me stay out of my own head.

Yucky. Anyone feeling yucky today?  Unpleasant. Disagreeable. Sometimes I feel yucky myself. Often my own choices got me there. Maybe too much sugar or too much food in general. Maybe not enough sleep, or not showering soon enough after a run. Yucky isn't pleasant, but it is usually short-lived.

Sometimes things can look yucky. Eeewww! Being a farm girl who saw and smelled a wide variety of pleasant and unpleasant things on the farm, I am not overly sensitive to yucky looking or smelling things, but I also don't go looking for them.

I can get yucky in my head too, though I usually use words like overthinking or overanalyzing or spinning. It all amounts to the same--leaving me unpleasant and disagreeable to the people I am around. My family gets the brunt of my yuckiness and loves me anyway. Thanks guys!

I appreciate that I have people I trust who I can call or talk to and unload some of my yuckiness before it is unleashed on others.

Yucky is not a fancy word, but it fits at times. Feeling yucky today? Find some gratitude and share it.
Besides gratefulness, physical movement is one of my most reliable ways to relieve yuckiness. What is one of yours?
