A Grateful Day--Please Watch This Stunning Video

Today I am grateful for the sounds of other people's voices, voices that soothe me and remind me I am loved. I am also grateful for the work of Brother David Steindl-Rast.

Brother David's soothing voice speaks throughout A Grateful Day video here. It is a video that is beautiful in every sense of the word. You may have seen an earlier version of this video. This is a brand new version, just released yesterday for World Gratitude Day.

It is 5 minutes long and I encourage you to take those minutes sometime today to sit and give full attention and all of your senses to this stunning piece. Share it with family, friends, coworkers. Watch it again.

Below are some lines pulled from the first minute or so of the video. Pick one and focus on it today.
Or carry them all with you. Enjoy this day for the gift that it is.

"It's not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you. Today."

"The only appropriate response is gratefulness."

"If you learn to respond as if it were the first day in your life and the very last day, 
then you will have spent this day very well." 

"Begin by opening your eyes and be surprised that you have eyes to open."


  1. Hi Lisa,
    What a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing it. "Let everyone who you will meet on this day be blessed by you - just by your presence." Wonderful reminder of how we can and do impact others without even realizing it sometimes. I am blessed by your presence, Lisa, even though we've never met. So I'd add, in the writing/blogging world, that's something to be grateful for every day, too. Presence in the physical sense isn't even required in order to make a difference. The power of words, right? Thanks for always reminding me to practice gratitude.

    1. Thank you Nancy! The written word and the blogging world certainly help us bring our presence to a space, even if not physically. I also appreciate the presence you bring to your readers, with your genuine and honest writing. Real writers write. Thanks for being a real writer!


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