Stormy Weather and a Word Wrap-Up, Courtesy of Aileen
Today I am grateful for cooler air and less humidity after a warm week. I am also grateful for the thousands of words available for us to use, from simple and mundane to profound and unique.
Twice yesterday we nearly missed getting rained on. On our early morning run, and later at the park with our grandson Leo and his mom Emily. I think about all the people impacted by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. How some got spared and some got hit really hard. Life is like that. Narrow misses, direct hits, glancing blows, and staggering upheavals. All the more reason to appreciate the calm that can be had in the present moment.
My A-Z trip through some emotionally-laden words was enjoyable and thought-provoking. My sister Aileen and I were just talking about it yesterday. How words are fun to play with, explore in our writings, and some just roll off the tongue in their own special way-words like flummoxed and xenodochial. So as I took my journey, the writer in her took this poetic journey:
Twice yesterday we nearly missed getting rained on. On our early morning run, and later at the park with our grandson Leo and his mom Emily. I think about all the people impacted by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. How some got spared and some got hit really hard. Life is like that. Narrow misses, direct hits, glancing blows, and staggering upheavals. All the more reason to appreciate the calm that can be had in the present moment.
My A-Z trip through some emotionally-laden words was enjoyable and thought-provoking. My sister Aileen and I were just talking about it yesterday. How words are fun to play with, explore in our writings, and some just roll off the tongue in their own special way-words like flummoxed and xenodochial. So as I took my journey, the writer in her took this poetic journey:
Lisa’s Words
My words
are apathetic,
will inhabit
my sister’s
bold and vibrant
Devoted to gratitude
she nurtured
and replenished
jaded spirits.
With quiet
and tolerant determination
itchy and icky
are transformed
into light-hearted,
unbridled joy.
Flummoxed frustration
morphs into
with the stream of life.
Exhilarated and grateful,
I thank you
for your words.
And I thank you for your words Aileen, which are anything but apathetic, along with our shared exploration of written language. Onward! Even when flummoxed or jaded. Writing always carries us.
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