So Simple, So Profound

Today I am grateful for the many blessings I have already noticed since awakening. I am grateful for my friends Dorothy, Jill, and Betsy and how they help keep me grounded.

Blessings. They abound in our days. I woke up, opened my eyes, got out of bed, started a new day. All blessings. All simple, daily things I take for granted. All profound. Take any one of those off the previous list and things are very different.

When I notice my blessings I am more poised and calm. When I am poised and calm, I am of better service to those around me and a better contributor to the world in general. I am blessed to be a wife, mother, stepmother, friend, recovering alcoholic, cancer survivor, writer, runner, counselor. Recognizing each as a significant blessing helps me be more humble and I believe more effective at each. That's my goal anyway.

Feeling blessed allows us to pass along blessings. To those we live with, but also to fellow humans we don't know but we encounter at the store or on the walking path. The more blessings recognized, the more kindness and compassion shared with others. So simple, so profound.

One of my life's most profound but simple blessings is living one day at a time, staying mindful in this day.It takes practice and it takes work, but when I am able to stay present in the moment, the blessings seem to keep flowing.

Blessings. They abound in our days. Look for them in your life today and pass them along.
