A Lot of Work, A Lot of Joy

Today I am grateful for warm boots and hooded sweatshirts. I am also grateful for laughter, even if it still hurts a little when I laugh.

The phrase that is my post title today was something I heard in the context of a person talking about a new puppy his family had gotten.  "A lot of work, but a lot of joy."  It struck me immediately when he said that . . . isn't that really all of life?  It takes work, but there is plenty of joy?  And I believe the joy is in the work; the day to day strivings to live life, love others, pursue goals, remain healthy, and follow our hearts.

I think first about the work I do in recovery from alcoholism. Sometimes it does seem like work, drudgery, same old, same old. But more often, the work I do opens doors, gives me hope. To be comfortable in my own skin and to wake up with a purpose are joys that recovery brings.

As I thought further, I realized that all the things that matter most to me fit this description of "a lot of work, a lot of joy."

Running. Writing. Parenting. Marriage. Faith. Friendships. My job.

All joy all the time? No. All work all the time? No. But if I love (or at least like) what I am doing, it doesn't seem like work.

And I will wrap up by returning to my comment from the end of my blog post yesterday. The quick fixes and instant results we are sold are lies, traps. Life wasn't meant to be easy and convenient. What do we learn from that? It also wasn't meant to be an uphill climb 24/7. I strive for some sort of balance between the two. I feel satisfied and my life has more meaning when I am doing meaningful things, not looking for shortcuts. I appreciate the work ethic I was raised with, though it can have traps too. I am concerned for those who feel entitled and aren't learning that the joy is in the work.

I will do my part today to enjoy the work of living and the joys that come with that effort.
